Sunday, October 16, 2016

Evil Dead 2: Weekly Review #4

Review of the Week:
Bruce Campbell + Demons = Groovy
When it comes to ‘80s horror, no movie is more iconic than Evil Dead 2, John Carpenter’s The Thing is a close contender in my opinion. The first movie was already a house-hold name in the horror community, but the sequel cemented itself in the minds of fans and casual moviegoers alike.

Evil Dead 2 takes place almost immediately after the first one, be it with some slight variations. (Spoilers Alert) During the first Evil Dead, five friends spend the weekend at a cabin in the woods. It is there that they discover Necronomicon Exmortis also known as, the book of the dead. I’m pretty sure you can guess what happens next. After witnessing the death of his friends and his girlfriend, Ash, the movies main protagonist, gets ready for round two against the forces of darkness, that are coming to swallow his soul! Ash soon faces new challenges both physical and mental, his only hope is the daughter of a scientist who was previously studying the book of the dead. It’s going take a ton of effort from the both of them if they want to survive the night.

This movie solidified Bruce Campbell, who plays Ash, as one of the greatest heroes in the horror genre. He carries this movie from beginning to end, becoming more bad-ass with every scene. Most people are familiar with his current appearance in the new TV show on STARZ, but if there are those that still want to see how Ash became the way he is, then they should definitely check out this movie.

Most of the effects in this movie can be considered outdated by some people, as for the rest, they’re pretty impressive especially the makeup. Even to this day, after watching it several times, some of the jump scares still get me, that’s pretty impressive on its own.

If you’re looking for a horror movie classic, then this is the one for you.
Final Rating:
Evil Dead 2 is available on Blu-Ray and DVD for very reasonable prices, both at your local store and online. As for alternate recommendations, I point you towards Army of Darkness, the third installment in the Evil Dead series, this one’s much cornier and has awesome one-liners, lastly I recommend checking out BeetleJuice, this movie takes some notes from Evil Dead when it comes to dark humor and most of it is hilarious.
Until next time, when you see a book wrapped in human flesh, BURN IT...

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