Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Day of the Dead: Weekly Review #5

Review of the Week:
A Bloody Celebration
Considering the fact, that The Walking Dead will be making its return to television on October 23rd, I figured it be the perfect time to review a zombie movie. I thought, if I were to do a review, it had to be on something from the original creator of the modern zombie: George A. Romero. This movie represents the third entry in Romero’s Dead series, starting with Night of the Living Dead.
            The film takes place in an underground silo, where a group of scientists and military personnel are trying to both, figure out the cause of the epidemic and merely survive. Just from the first thirty minutes of the movie, the viewer can already tell that the situation the characters are in, is a hopeless one. Both the scientists, and the soldiers assigned to protect them are starting to doubt their mission and are considering to abandon the silo. Most of the men are feeling claustrophobic and are slowly losing their minds. Some of them are more screw loose than others, especially one of the scientists, that the survivors nicknamed Dr. Frankenstein. It doesn’t take long before everything goes wrong in ways the audience never expected! Don’t worry, no spoilers from me.
            Most of the cast in this film aren’t well known, but they do an excellent job of expressing the characters slow decent into madness. For me the stand-out characters are Colonel Rhodes, played by Joe Pilato and Sherman Howard who plays a zombie named Bub. Pilato’s performance as Rhodes is amazing, it’s incredible how unlikable he portrays his character, he’s someone you just love to hate with all your heart. Howard’s portrayal of Bub is great. He’s supposed to play a zombie who’s slowly evolving human traits and Howard does it brilliantly. The performance reminds me of Andy Serkis’ performance as Caesar from the Planet of Apes reboot series, where a creature slowly learns to do human tasks, even at one point learns how to use a gun. Coincidently, this film stars Greg Nicotero, the main zombie makeup artist on The Walking Dead, just thought I should mention it.  
            Fair warning, for whoever decides to watch this movie, there is a SHIT ton of gore in this movie (sorry about the language, but it’s true). If you’re not used to that sort of thing, I recommend at least checking out the original Night of the Living Dead, the gore is much tamer than this movie, there’s hardly any at all. If you’re not that kind of person, then you should check out this film from the OG creator.
Final Rating:
            Day of the Dead is available on Blu-Ray and DVD, my copy was made by the lovely people at Scream Factory, their collector’s edition is well worth your time and money (they did not pay me to tell you this, it’s just my opinion). As for alternate recommendations, I first point you towards Dawn of the Dead, the second entry the Dead series, it’s not as dark as Day, but has a really cool setting with memorable characters, lastly I recommend checking out 28 Days Later, while it’s not exactly your typical zombie flick, it does provide an interesting scenario.
Until next time, remember to aim for the head…


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